Sunday, January 25, 2009


i was recently reminded by God of something someone once said to me (wish i could remember who it was :P)
When you get a "test" from God, there is no way you can fail, you can either pass, or as in my case most of the time, be unsucessful, and then He gives you the test again!!

so if you get a test from God, and dont overcome the obstacle, dont worry,
"therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus" (Romans 8:1)
ask God's forgiveness, forgive yourself and anyone else that may be involved and carry on, and someday you may find yourself in that same situation, and you have two options, pass it, or once again be unsucessful.

my thoughts though, are that you will keep getting that same test until you pass, because God wants us to be victorous and able to handle any situation (with His help and strength) that comes our way. i have this one "test" that i have failed time and time again, but i am determined to pass it this time!! so im going to work on more accountability, and not placing myself in situations where i will be unsucessful in that area.

im just thankful that i serve a God who not only loves me dearly, but desires to see me pass every test that comes my way! and altho i am human, and will fail from time to time, i plan, with His help, to do my best!!!

there are some of my thoughts, what are yours? i would love for you to leave a comment with your take on the whole idea....


sarah.lena said...

i do agree that God will continue to give us the same test until we pass. but we also need to be careful not to use that as a crutch! that we dont justify failing just this one "last time" cuz we can just pass the next one. ive had to overcome that in the past year.
i think you also need to msg me with details of your life.
i love you. very much.

Breanne Michelle said...

amen! preach it sista!!!! sooo true!
i love you. very much. as well :D
and i msged you :P