Friday, June 19, 2009


This morning on my way to work my thoughts were kinda random and all over the place and i started thinking about how when you like someone, like really like them, nothing else seems to matter. i have numerous times stayed up waaaaaaay to late, (even when working the next day) just to spend more time with that certain guy. I'm sure if your honest, we have all done it.

and then God poses this question: when have you done that for me?

ouch. that one hurt a little, not in a condemning way, but more of a challenge. here i am ready to spend all hours of the night not sleeping to hang out with that certain guy, but when it comes to God, i have more often then not, chosen sleep.

why would i do that? here is the freakin creator of the universe, the almighty, amazing, forgiving, LOVING God, and all He wants to do is spend time with me....yet i decide to go to bed early, or sleep in longer. huh.

God is really challenging me on this one, and i think if you let it, it will challenge you as well, because, well, im sure im not alone here!

*disclaimer* i am not saying you should stay up all hours of the night and ditch sleep, sleep is very important, and yes God does speak thru dreams, but im just saying, maybe, just maybe, dont hit that snooze button, and chill with your loving Daddy for a bit, cause He's waiting!!!

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