Saturday, December 13, 2008

the best date ever.

wow. i just had the best date ever!
i walked to starbucks, in the lovely snow! its sooo stinkin pretty! i just walked in amazment of the beauty, got there, grabbed a peppermint white chocolate mocha and a donut and sat down, started reading my amazing book, Captivating (i have mentioned it before becuase its fabulous!) anyways, so im just reading away, and then a part causes me to stop and think, so i pull out my journal and start journaling, and then bam! just like that my date shows up and God starts to speak to me! I love when you can just sit there, anywhere (i mean cmon! i was in starbucks) and His love just flows, it doesnt matter where you are or what your doing, if you set a time aside for God He will meet you there!! and He totally met me tonight, in starbucks, and poured His love over me in a new and amazing way!!
all in all, it was a fantastic night, God's the best date ever!!


Rebekah- Joy said...

YEA GIRL!!! comon! i love dates likes that too!! we are going to do that when i get back, and airpark God time walk, high five!!

Breanne Michelle said...

COME HOME!!!!! im missing you toooo much!!!! :(
oh, and sounds like a plan :D