Friday, September 18, 2009

my heart is broken.

so, for english we have 2 essays we have to write and we get to pick the topic, rob suggested we pick something we are passionate about (fyi, these essays arnt due till late oct and early dec....and im starting research now! wow. thats growth :P plus, im just really excited to write them cause i get to pick the topic!)

i started looking up sex-trafficking. my heart is broken. here. i will share some statistics with you, i highly recommend you dont just read over these and move on with you day, really think. pray. ask God what YOU can do. for me right now, i feel my job is to pray and make ppl more aware. it doesnt seem like im making that big of a difference from the human aspect of things, but i know how powerful prayer can be!
another thing. make it personal. imagine its your child, your sibling, your parent. what would you do if these statistics included a loved one?

my first focus was India/Nepal, so thats where most of the information i have at the moment is from.

every year 5000-7000 Nepali woman are trafficked for sex work, over 200,000 Nepali woman are currently working the sex industry...200,000! and thats JUST Nepali woman!!!

Girls are most often trafficked into India because prostitution there is legal, it is illegal in Nepal.

up to 20,000 Nepalese girls are trafficked into India every year.

3 million (!!!!!) women in India fall prey to trafficking annually and 40% (!!!!) are minors.

thats just a i discover more i will share :D
keep praying!!
all these statistics are from internet sources.....


tess stieben said...

Sex trafficking is big business even in Canada, its in our own backyard in every major city. Women are continually brought into this county under the guise that they will live a better life here. Once here they are told they have to work to pay off their debts to those who brought them into the country. These women are continually moved never knowing where they are. When and if the police break up these sex-rings the women are treated like criminals, thrown in jail and then shipped back to their country of origin, except now they have an added taint and are unlikely to improve their lot in life.

mzdjo said...

Thanks for choosing a topic like this! On Sunday I was reading information from our missions pastor in Cambodia.
35 percent of Cambodia's prostitutes are children under the age of 16. Young girls and boys from ages 7 and up are given to pedophiles by the children't parents with the promise to educate their children. Many of these parents do not know the reality of what they are doing when they hand their children over to these people and never see their children again.