Saturday, July 4, 2009

Prayer: its not optional. its mandatory.

God has called me to intercession. He has called you to intercession.
The enemy. well. he doesnt like that too much. I have been praying and interceding for Steve while he is away in India. satan doesnt like that. he has been trying to trip me up for a couple weeks. its been a rough couple weeks. but not enough to break me because "greater is He who is in me, than he who is in the world" [john 4:4]. the enemy has tried to cause me to focus on myself. on stupid things. because once we focus inwards, we lose focus of the needs outwards. the needs we need to pray for.
so i encourage you right now, if you feel called to something (intercession, missions, outreach ect) the enemy is going to try to trip you up, get you to focus on yourself, but you need to push through, push harder. when satan pushes you, push back. with the power of God.
when you have issues arise, instead of focusing on them, turn your focus outwards even more-so. and its hard. as humans, we seem to enjoy wallowing in our misery. but God has called us to more. they are people in worse situations than us that need our prayers, that need to see God move in their lives, and the only way that happens is through us praying.
Our prayers move the hands of God.
Prayer: its not optional. its mandatory.

1 comment:

sarah.lena said...

i realy need to move back there. simply the words that you are using, i havent been able to feel that way, have those thoughts of emotions about God and my relationship with him in FOREVER. formy own sanity i need to get back to the place where i was back two years ago when i came into pmc with so much hope and expectation. as you pray for steve, can you also pray for me?
im so proud of you babe. you have grown so much in the past two years that i have known you!! <3