Thursday, November 27, 2008


so i am reading this AMAZING! book, its called Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge, and its taking me awhile to get through it, but each time i pick it up i read exactly what i need to hear! i love how God works that way.
so on my lunch break i was sitting in the staff room, and i ususally dont read because it makes me sleepy and so relaxed and i dont want that when i still have 4 hours left of work lol. anyways, on to the story, so i was reading it and this one part stuck out to me, and so i thought i would share!
it was talking about the fall of Eve, and just retells the story of how the serpent tempts her. and in Gen 3:1-6 it says "The woman was convinced. The fruit looked so fresh and delicious, and it would make her so wise! So she ate some fruit. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her. Then he ate it, too."
and the author goes on to say "The woman was convinced. That's it? Just like that? In a matter of moments? Convinced of what? Look in your own heart--you'll see. Convinced that God was holding out on her. Convinced that she could not trust his heart toward her. Convinced that in order to have the best possible life, she must take matters into her own hands."

how many times do we think that? how many times do we doubt God? im sure more than most of us would care to admit, but for anyone who has spent time living for God or running from God knows that the ONLY place to be is in His loving arms. Life in our own hands, thats such a scary thought, i think back to before i knew God, oh my goodness GONGSHOW! not that life is all perfect now, but i have something to live for, someone to turn to at all times, someone who i can fully trust, who knows my future, who created me. and there is honestly nothing better than a personal relationship with Jesus!

He is the only one we can fully trust, He is the only one who knows what our future holds, He is the only one who will always be there, in good times and bad.

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