Monday, May 25, 2009

loves lessons from God....latest one: power of prayer!

oh my, oh my, oh my!! is God ever trying to teach me the power of prayer! wowzers!!

so one of my bosses, is like the "boss" boss, quite the perfectionist, very straightforwarding, not very encouraging and doesnt have the best bed-side manner, therefore making her very hard to get along with at times, and very hard to handle.
Most of the staff complain about it to each other (which i am most certainly guilty of!) but recently i had been feeling that i should pray for her instead, and wow! what a difference!! seriously, it was nuts! today, she told another employee (while i was in earshot) that she got me to do the dilly bars becuase we were really low and she knew i was fast!! that is the closest thing to a compliment i have EVER heard come out of her mouth regarding anyone!! i was blown away, and it just goes to show what God will do when instead of complaining about a person, you suck it up and pray for them!

so i encourage you, if you have someone in your life like that, who you struggle to get along with, or have troubles handling, pray for them, and not prayers like "God i pray you would make them nicer ect" (lol :P) but pray blessings over them and see what happens! i can guarentee if you pray you will see results!! cause that my friends, is the power of God!!!


samanthamillar said...

good post. thats awesome breanne!! awesome!! gods good

tess stieben said...

A good reminder, thanks