Thursday, May 28, 2009

i feel like im repeating myself....

ok, so yet again, i started off my day at work praying for my boss(es) the buisness, ect...and yet again i had a fantastic day! the usually hard to deal with boss is still being nice, and not in a fake way she sometimes gets! its soooo mind boggling!!! and yet again (like with the dilly bars) she put me on a job that we needed ASAP!! we were completly out of waffle bowls and cones so she picked me to do them over everyone!! not to say im better than them, but the verse about working with all your heart as for the Lord and not for men has been running through my head alot lately, and its what im doing and seems to be working!!!
so Praise Jesus for a great day!! and Praise Jesus for the sunshine!! and Praise Jesus in everything, the good, and most definatly the bad!!!

oh, random note, for my birthday (well its not yet, got the present early :P) my mom made me a scrapbook of pics of me growing up!! its amazing!!! and oh my gosh was i stinkin cute!! no joke, i want kids as cute as i was :P hahahahah.

God is sooooooo good!!! :D

So, for starters, the boss i blogged about before that i have been praying for, is still being super nice, and praying for her has definately changed my heart and attitude towards her which has been amazing, she has even been calling me darling and stuff!! its nuts the power of prayer and how it can not only allow God to change their heart towards you, but more importantly change you heart towards the person/ppl you pray for!!

Secondly, i have somewhere to live in the fall when i go to PLBC!! Im going to live with Matthew and Ryan's "second" family, i talked to Laural (the mom) on the phone the other night and we got everything sorted except a few small details, and yah, im set!! and its gonna be amazing!!!

Thirdly, I WANT TO GO TO INDIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!
i want to love on the children, God has put a special place in my heart for orphans, i just want to be with them, hold them, love on them!! but, i know there is a reason im not able to go yet, i know i need to be ready, i realize its going to be hard, and i need to be fully prepared. and so far, i am hoping maybe (God willing) i might go one of my summers between PLBC semesters becuase i really dont want to wait 4 years to go, but if thats when God wants me to go i will wait. But He most definately has my YES!!!


Monday, May 25, 2009

loves lessons from God....latest one: power of prayer!

oh my, oh my, oh my!! is God ever trying to teach me the power of prayer! wowzers!!

so one of my bosses, is like the "boss" boss, quite the perfectionist, very straightforwarding, not very encouraging and doesnt have the best bed-side manner, therefore making her very hard to get along with at times, and very hard to handle.
Most of the staff complain about it to each other (which i am most certainly guilty of!) but recently i had been feeling that i should pray for her instead, and wow! what a difference!! seriously, it was nuts! today, she told another employee (while i was in earshot) that she got me to do the dilly bars becuase we were really low and she knew i was fast!! that is the closest thing to a compliment i have EVER heard come out of her mouth regarding anyone!! i was blown away, and it just goes to show what God will do when instead of complaining about a person, you suck it up and pray for them!

so i encourage you, if you have someone in your life like that, who you struggle to get along with, or have troubles handling, pray for them, and not prayers like "God i pray you would make them nicer ect" (lol :P) but pray blessings over them and see what happens! i can guarentee if you pray you will see results!! cause that my friends, is the power of God!!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

they're getting it...they're really getting it!!


I am so blessed and honored to be one of the Jesus-like influences in these amazing kids lives, who am i talking about specifically? Our Campbell River youth, well, no correction. God's Campbell River youth, His precious beautiful amazingly talented children, that i get the joy of being with at least once a week!!

ahhh, how i love those kids, every single one of them has talents, gifts and amazing hearts! and as much as it seems like sometimes they arent listening on a thursday night as ryan speaks or just in everyday conversation, they are!!

One of our youth told ryan that He was God's masterpiece (which is something we say to them)!! and another asked if she could sing a song she found that talked about God for youth, so not only is she just listening to music, but she's listening for God!

This last thursday was amazing! we talked about the power of our words and how they can bring life or death then split up and we took the girls and ended up talking for 30mins, we talked about the damage of gossip and mean words in our lives and lives of others and how we need to be ones that encourage and not tear down!! it was truly amazing!

and now im sooooo pumped!! im doing a girls sleepover with these amazing ladies in 3 weeks!! on my 21st birthday :D im gonna be rockin it in style with some of my fav girls in the whole wide world! oh how i love them :D :D :D

Thursday, May 21, 2009

well silence just doesnt suit me now does it?

so, its been just over a week since i decided to stop blogging and realize i have WAY to much to say, and awesome testimonies of God, and well, here is a great place to talk about it!!

i have recently been blown away by the power of prayer, i always have heard it is powerful, but never experinced it like this, this was definately God showing me His power through my prayer and intercession.

a few weeks ago Sandra Naswell came and asked if anyone wanted to start interceeding for youth worship/message, so last week Chels Miller, Sandra and myself interceeding, and it was amazing, you could sense a difference. Last night, i was not feeling well, had no energy but there was nobody interceeding so i decided someone probably should, so i went to work!

at some point during worship i got really exhuasted and literally 5 seconds after sitting down and resting for a minute chaos broke out on the stage!! so i jumped back up and continued to pray, and things settled down and got back under control.

im just one person, praying for one thing, and that was the power of it. All i did was sit down for 5 seconds and that was enough, all i did was start to pray, and that was enough.
i am seriously mind boggled beyond all belief at the moment...i just cant process the fact that one person praying can do so much! God is definately teaching me the power of my prayers and intercession!

Monday, May 11, 2009

my apologizes....

ok, so i have fallen into the bloggers writing block/too busy category....i rarely blog, and im sorry, and i just want to let all my faithful readers out there, that this is goodbye, possibly just for now...i just never seem to have time to blog or the desire, but understand, i still love you!!! and if i start blogging again you will be the first to know!!!
farewell friends and you all!